Watercolor Reminders

Every year on this day, I’m reminded of the fragility of life. When I was a sophomore in college, I painted this scene as a sobering memory of the place where I crashed my car 9 years ago on March 4, 2014—my senior year of high school…

A Worthwhile Change

CHOPPED! 💇🏼‍♀️ After almost 7 years of only trimming my hair 2x a year and letting it grow really long, it was time to try something new. But besides it being the middle of winter and wanting to do something spontaneous, there’s been…

This Beautiful Life

Life—it can be so beautiful. Beautiful and changing and full and exciting. But it can also be filled with the unexpected, the loss of expectations, crippling grief, disappointment—we know these feelings well, I’m sure. Some hit closer to home than others…

What Really Matters

I don’t have a lot of words to say these days. Sometimes, I’m overflowing with thoughts and I can’t stop writing. Other times, there’s just not much to say. To be honest, I’ve been doing a loooot of internal processing, of many things…